Monday, 4 July 2011

This month I will

I have some goals for July that I thought I would add here to help me be accountable. This often doesn't work for me, I seem to rebel against myself but will give it a go!

Goal 1
Loose 9 pounds so that my weight begins with 13st, that would be amazing!

Goal 2
Sell all my unwanted items on ebay, I really need to create some space and some money would help too!

Goal 3
To get through the school holidays without seriously falling out with my children, to use different strattergies and keep my sanity!


  1. Good luck with this goals. They are all within your reach!

  2. So maybe you can use goals 2 and 3 to help with #1- use exercise as a way to keep your sanity wrt your children and move each item to sell one at a time to get some more movement... doesn't sound like the most efficient thing, but it might help boost overall output! Good luck:)

  3. Good luck, especially with number 3!!

  4. This month you will. And hope you gets lots of money from selling those old things to buy lots of new clothes.

  5. you forgot one :) Go meet Tina in London! :) What train station would you come in at? Perhaps we can arrange a pub nearby? I am in Iceland but have email.


  6. You WILL do this! Best of luck with number three!!

  7. and you will do all of those things!!! AND go meet Tina!!

    Don't fall out with your children! We all know who is boss! .......................Them.
