Saturday, 8 January 2011

Thank you

I read the other day that this weekend was generally a miserable flat weekend after all the festivities, that is proving true here.

Thanks for all your kind comments yesterday, its nice to have someone listening! Things are better now, Isobel has a bad cough and that seems to have slowed the fighting down, thank goodness!

My band was really tight yesterday, I couldn't eat much at all and did have a few sliders and a little ice cream, the scale said 14st 11lbs (207 lbs) today, only 1 pound over my lowest, which makes me think that there must be something hormonal making me gain a little a few days ago which is now coming off, its very odd, the same thing happened a few weeks ago. My period isn't due for a couple of weeks.

Today I am going to do some more exercise, I can't go to the gym as they have a strict no more than 2 visits in a row policy, silly if you ask me, its only a circuit 30 minute gym, not the most taxing workout in the world. Will go for a long walk around the village with the kids on their bikes, will do me good to get out. I might look at going swimming too, I haven't swam properly (without the kids) for years, I'm not a fantastic swimmer but can generally keep going, will have a look to see when the local pool is open and if its viable for me to get there tonight.

Hope that you're all having a great weekend.


  1. So that explains this week end :o) Glad to see those pounds haven't stuck around!!

  2. I didn't think the pounds would stick around. I was thinking that it may have to do with the stress you have been under lately. I know that affects people sometimes. Anyway, whatever it is, I'm glad it's coming off.

    I have never heard of anything like that at a gym before. Why wouldn't you be able to go more than two days in a row? That is crazy!

    Well, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

  3. I'm glad things are better! My band seems to be tighter when I'm stressed out or upset.

  4. Glad things are looking up today. That is a silly gym rule if you ask me. It sounds like less to do with fitness and more to do with not wanting it to get overcrowded.
